Development of construction projects for European rail infrastructure project Rail Baltica into the infrastructure of Riga city centre 

Contractor: SIA "BRD Projekts",  2023

Detailed  Design and Design Supervision

Development of part of the Detailed Design of water supply, sewerage and rainwater external networks for 4 objects.

The purpose of the project: to improve pedestrian and transport access to the multimodal public transport hub of Riga Central Station in connection with the construction of the Rail Baltica railway station, by carrying out the necessary transport and infrastructure rearrangements in the territory of the center of Riga and developing more convenient interconnection of the territory of Riga center around the Riga Central Railway Station, the Riga International Bus Station, Riga Central Market, Daugava Promenade and Old Riga.

The project “Integration of the European Railway Infrastructure Rail Baltica into the Infrastructure of Riga City Centre” is implemented within the scope of the Activity “Reconstruction of the Support Infrastructure Related to the Rail Baltica Project” of the Specific Objective 6.1.7 “Enabling a Multimodal Transport System” of the operational programme “Growth and Employment” of 2014–2020 European Union funds programming period. The total budget for the project amounts to EUR 28 million. The Cohesion Fund accounts for the largest share, i.e. EUR 23.8 million, while local government and State budget subsidies amount to EUR 4.2 million.

Rail Baltica.

The complex Rail Baltica construction of Riga, railway bridge, embankment and Riga Central Passenger Station

Contractor:  JSC “RE RE GRUPA” , 2021

Detailed  Design and Design Supervision

Preparation works of the existing railway infrastructure of  "Latvijas dzelzceļš" in the Northern zone of the station for construction work in the Southern zone, in the section from Maskavas Street to Lāčplēša Street. Water and wastewater part  (BIM model).

Financing: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania — and co-funding from the EU up to 85% of the total eligible costs, in particular in the
framework of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funding instrument.

Construction Design and Design Supervision of "BTP Daugavgriva” Digester`s Park” (Riga, Latvia)

Contractor: "Rīgas ūdens" Ltd, 2021

Detailed Technical Design and Design Supervision

Within the framework of the planned construction, it is planned to carry out a permanent reconstruction of the digester`s park, which treated sewage sludge with an average yield of 1227 m3/d, by building two additional new methane tanks fermenting in mesophiles (+37°C) with an average duration of 21 d, as well as process structures with this process. Expected that after the implementation of the construction, the average amount of biogas produced in the digester`s park will be between 970 and 1,268 Nm3/d.

Our specialists provide project management, development of external and internal water supply and sewerage parts, involving technological, architectural solution parts, building structures, internal and external power supplies, electronic communication systems, control and automation systems, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, external gas supply part, external heat supply, road works, fire detection and alarm signalling systems.

Extension of water supply and sewerage networks in Imanta and Beberbeķi, Riga (Latvia)

Contractor: "Rīgas ūdens" Ltd., 2020

Detailed Design and Design Supervision

Extension of water supply and sewerage networks in Imanta and Beberbeķi is elaborated within the framework of the project “Development of water management services in Riga, Stage 5”, co-financed by the European Union Cohesion Fund. 
Project envisages the construction of new centralized water  supply and sewerage street networks and individual branches in the districts of Imanta and Beberbeķi with the connection of planned networks to the existing centralized water supply and sewerage system, as well as the reconstruction of certain elements of the existing centralized water supply and sewerage system. Project also envisages the construction
of 10 pumping stations. It is planned to build approximately
44 km of external water supply and sewerage network.


Development of water management services in Jurmala, Stage 4. Detailed Design for development for the construction of water supply and sewerage networks in Jurmala, Krastciems – Ķemeri (Latvia)

Contractor: "Jūrmalas ūdens" Ltd, 2019

Detailed Design and Design Supervision

Construction of water supply and sewerage infrastructure in Jurmala were elaborated within the framework of the " Development of water management services in Jurmala, Stage 4" co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the EU. 10 construction projects have been developed for the construction of water supply and sewerage networks (~60km) and 5 sewerage pumping stations in the streets of Jurmala, in the section from Krastciems to Ķemeri.

Development of water management services in Jurmala, Stage 4. Detailed Design for the construction of water supply and sewerage networks in Jurmala, Priedaine - Majori

Contractor: "Jūrmalas udens" Ltd., 2018

Detailed Design and Design Supervision

The construction of water supply and sewerage networks in Jurmala were elaborated within the framework of the project " Development of water management services in Jurmala, stage 4"  co-financed by the Cohesion Fund of the EU. Contract includes the construction of ~60 km of water supply and sewerage networks and 6 sewerage pumping stations in various streets in Jurmala, in the section from Priedaine to Majori.

1st place in the Latvian Construction Year 2022 Award in nomination "New Engineering Construction".

Detailed Design and Design Supervision of sewerage pumping station on Daugavgrīvas Str. 101 (Riga, Latvia)

Contractor: "Rīgas ūdens" Ltd., 2017

Detailed Design and Design Supervision

Project provides the construction of a new sewerage pumping station in Riga, on Daugavgrīvas street 101. For now, it is the largest sewage pumping station in the Baltic States.

Designed capacity – 2300 l/s or 8280 m3/h

The design provides the safe collection and pumping of wastewater from the areas of the left bank of the Daugava to the BTP "Daugavgrīva".

The benefit from the reconstruction of the pumping station will be the reduction of technological water consumption, as well as the saving of electricity consumption. The new sewerage pumping station will be significantly more environmentally friendly and safer.

Construction of a multi-storey parking lot on Daibes Street 27, Mārupe (Latvia)

Contractor: “Linia” Ltd., 2020

Detailed Design and Design Supervision

Elaboration of external and internal water supply and sewerage parts.

Construction received 2nd place in the Latvian Construction Year Award 2021, in nomination "Engineering-new building".

“Business Garden Riga” 1st stage buildings, Malduguņu Street 1 and 2, Mārupe (Latvia)

Contractor: "DEPO projekts" Ltd, 2016

Detailed Design and Design Supervision

Elaboration of internal water supply and sewerage systems, internal firefighting and stormwater networks of the public building.

Construction received 1st place in the Latvian Construction Year Award 2019 in the nomination “New construction - public building”.

Riga Northern Transport Corridor, 1st stage (Northern Corridor part from the national highway A2 (Rīga - Sigulda) in Berģi to Gustava Zemgala Avenue (Eastern Motorway))”, Riga, Latvia

Contractor: “Ceļuprojekts” JSC, 2015

Detailed Design (water supply and sewerage part)

As part of the contract, one of the largest transport infrastructure projects in Riga in recent decades was developed by order of the Riga City Council's City Development Department, within the framework of which the water supply and sewerage part was developed for the construction of trunk networks approximately 15 km, as well as the construction of sewerage pumping station (Q=756 m3/h) .

Financing: EU (TEN-T), € 7,6 million/EUR

Development of water services in Daugavpils, 3rd stage. Reconstruction of sewer mains (D.K.-15). Detailed design and design supervision (Daugavpils, Latvia)

Contractor: „RBSSKALS Būvvadība” Ltd, 2015

Detailed Design and Design Supervision

According to the order of "Daugavpils ūdens" Ltd within the framework of the project "Development of Water Management in Daugavpils, Stage 3" co-financed by the European Union Cohesion Fund, 7 construction projects were developed and design supervision was carried out for the construction of sewer collectors (DN400-1500mm), as well as the construction of a wastewater storage reservoir in Alejas street, with the total work volume V = 900 m3. The construction of this object received recognition in the competition "The best building of the year in Latvia 2015" in the nomination "Engineering Buildings".

Sewerage pumping station on Austuves Street 5, Riga (Latvia)

Contractor: “Rīgas ūdens" Ltd, 2012
Detailed Design and Design Supervision

Project includes new, environmentally friendly and economical concept.

Maximum capacity of the sewage pumping station is 2200 l/s or 7920 m3/h.

The building was awarded 3rd place in the competition "The best building of the year in Latvia 2012" in the nomination "Engineering buildings".